Caroline Poole

(pronounced “lyn”)

Crit racing

  • A.K.A./Nicknames: Caro
  • Hometown(s): Montreal, QC, Canada, but now Bentonville, AR
  • Alma mater(s): Concordia University
  • What you are working toward now: Building more fitness
  • Proudest athletic accomplishment: Anytime we create a plan as a team and accomplish it successfully!
  • Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment (bonus points for photos or videos if you have them): When I crashed myself out in the front of the peloton taking a corner to fast.
  • Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: Browsing furniture apps and interior design pages
  • My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is…. Any EDM
  • Best junk food ever created: Candy salads
  • Favorite recipes : Quick, easy, healthy, post-ride meals
  • Favorite cocktail/drink of choice (if applicable): Margarita’s
  • Family info: European/Canadian
  • Secret talent: Very good with directions haha
  • Professional (non-athletic) superpower: Organizational skills
  • Personal (non-athletic) superpower: Intuition
  • Favorite athletic/sports book: ROAR by Stacey Sims
  • Favorite athletic/sports movie: The Dawn Wall
  • Anything else we should know about you? I have a corgi puppy named Puck and am married to my husband for 5 years this year.