Knowledge Hub

Keys to Establishing Baseline Biomarkers

Here at Athlete Blood Test, we analyze many professional and elite athletes’ blood several times a year. Sometimes we even analyze their blood a few times during a season.  But do you need a baseline? To get the most out of your blood analysis-and your training, performance and recovery-YES! The offseason is also critical, as it sets the tone for your full training and competition cycle.  It also establishes a baseline and helps determine what Read more…

Optimizing Athletic Performance: Blood Analysis for Sports RDs

For athletes, achieving peak performance often goes beyond training and nutrition plans.  It involves leveraging advanced tools like blood analysis. These tools help RDs tailor nutrition strategies to individual athletes for the purpose of optimizing athletic performance. Sports RDs play a pivotal role in utilizing blood analysis to enhance athletic performance, and ensure optimal health, recovery, and competitive edge. This article explores how blood analysis empowers sports dietitians to help athletes optimize athletic performance. It Read more…

Impact of Birth Control On An Athlete’s Mood

As athletes, we pay close attention to the delicate balance of factors influencing our performance, both physical and mental. The relationship between hormonal birth control and an athlete’s mood (and therefore performance) is a recent a topic of interest and discussion. In this article, we’ll explore the nuanced landscape of research findings surrounding how hormonal birth control may affect the mood of athletes.  If you missed them, check out our articles on birth control, the Read more…

Menstrual Cycle Red Flags

Signs Athletes Should Look for The fifth vital sign for women is the menstrual cycle. As an athlete, it’s incredibly important for not only your health, but optimal performance too. Hopefully you have a healthy, consistent menstrual cycle, but sometimes things go awry. So what are some menstrual cycle red flags you should keep an eye out for?  Three big ones: heavy periods, painful periods, and no (missed periods).  If you missed our other articles Read more…

Is This Normal? The Athlete Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a natural and integral part of a female athlete’s reproductive system. It plays a crucial role in athletic performance, fertility, and overall health. Despite being a common phenomenon, there is often confusion surrounding what constitutes a normal menstrual cycle.  The truth is, there’s no such thing as a “normal” cycle because every cycle is unique and can fluctuate across the lifespan. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the Read more…

Menstrual Cycle Hormones for Athletes

If you’ve ever seen a graph of the menstrual cycle hormones, it looks like some kind of terrifying theme park ride with peaks and quick dips and tracks crisscrossing all over. Most of us haven’t really thought about them since middle school.  But healthy hormone levels and menstrual cycle are important for athletic performance, health, and well-being.  So let’s review the key menstrual cycle hormones for athletes! Four Menstrual Cycle Hormones for Athletes to Know Read more…

Athlete’s Guide to Birth Control

A quick Google search for birth control is enough to make your head spin. There are So. Many. Options. Which one should you choose? Is one better than another for athletes? Will it negatively impact your athletic performance? We dive into all of this here. If you’re an athlete curious about birth control, you’re in the right place.  Your athlete’s guide to birth control! Whether to use birth control and what type of birth control Read more…

Sleep Like a Champion: Sleep Tips for Athletes

For athletes, achieving peak performance is not just about what happens during training. It’s deeply intertwined with the quality of restorative sleep. Quality sleep is a cornerstone of athletic recovery, impacting everything from muscle repair to cognitive function. In this article, we’ll explore key strategies for athletes to enhance their sleep, incorporating science-backed tips to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day. For some more detailed information, check out this Read more…

Fuel Your Mood: Food for Mental Health and Athletic Performance

As athletes, we constantly seek ways to enhance our performance. Our diet plays a pivotal role not only in our physical health but also in our mental well-being. How can you fuel your mood? Extensive research has been done on the connection between food for mental health and athletic performance. One groundbreaking study, the SMILES trial, sheds light on the profound impact of nutrition on mental health. In this article, we’ll explore the key findings Read more…

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