Céline Oberholzer

  • Hometown(s): San Marcos, TX
  • Alma mater(s): Indiana University – Bloomington
  • Primary sport/event: Crit & Gravel racer ( <1 hr & 5 hr < events are my favorite)
  • What you are working toward now: Becoming a professional bike racer and working with the American Cycling Championship to change the way America engages and competes in competitive cycling
  • Day job (if you have one): Community Manager at American Cycling Championship, training 🙂
  • Proudest athletic accomplishment: Finishing Unbound Gravel 200 in 2019
  • Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment (bonus points for photos or videos if you have them): Gateway Cup 2018, Day 2, when I sprinted for the line thinking it was the last lap (turns out it was the penultimate lap).
  • Funny athletic moment/memory: At the first race I ever won, Madeira Criterium (2018?), my hair was in a pony-tail and I guess it was just long enough that it covered my bib number. The result sheet had recorded me as DNF because of that. I contested it and was able to identify myself in some sprint finish photos – I’m glad I contested it because not only was it my first win but I ended up winning some money, too! I’ve worn my hair in a braid or bun ever since.
  • Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: Drawing
  • My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is…. “Blinding Lights” – The Weeknd
  • Best junk food ever created: Those little mini donuts you get at a gas station
  • Favorite recipes (please include links to one-or more- if you are a kitchen whiz!):  Sweet Potato, Squash, Black Bean Enchiladas – Recipe & Roasted Chickpea/Broccoli Burrito – Recipe
  • Favorite cocktail/drink of choice (if applicable): Moscow Mule
  • Family info: I have one sister and two parents and we’re all from Switzerland; we moved to the Chicago-land area when I was in first grade; my mom & dad moved to Charlottesville, VA when I was in college and that’s where they currently reside; my sister lives in Fayetteville, WV at the moment
  • Secret talent: Finding typos (I see them everywhere…)
  • Professional (non-athletic) superpower: I would want to have the ability to turn any liquid into the best coffee on the planet
  • Personal (non-athletic) superpower: Definitely teleportation
  • Favorite athletic/sports book: Born to Run
  • Favorite athletic/sports movie: Movie: Breaking Away, Documentary: Half the Road
  • Mission: I desperately want to see women’s cycling become more equal to men’s – in terms of media coverage, racing opportunities, and wages. I think that’s pretty critical to me and my identity (as well as that of the ACC).
  • Anything else? I’m looking forward to working with ABT and maximizing my nutrition/recovery/performance as well as contributing to the performance science field with this partnership!