Madeline Strandemo
Athlete Blood Test has been a critical tool in my toolbox. ABT gives me a comprehensive glance at what’s going on inside my body, which helps me get ahead on any issues that might affect my training and performance.

A.K.A./Nicknames: Maddie
Hometown(s): Minneapolis, MN
Alma mater(s): University of Minnesota
Primary sport/event: track & field – 3000m steeplechase
What you are working toward now: track & field Olympic trials 2021
Day job (if you have one): I do freelance marketing projects for a variety of clients – everything from blog and podcast writing to Google Ads.
Proudest athletic accomplishment: As a senior in college, I led my team to a runner-up team finish at the Big Ten cross country championships. We won several team conference championships while I was in school, but the way we finished second that day was really special. We all had an incredible finish to the race, moving from 4th to 2nd place in the last kilometer, and edging out some really good teams. We ran tough and never gave up. People were probably a bit confused because we celebrated like we had won the championship.
Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment ( I’m sure I’ve had plenty of these but I can’t think of anything.
Funny athletic moment/memory: Hmmm drawing a blank here, too.
Favorite non-athletic/sports hobby/activity: My roommate/teammate Sadi and I took up gardening for the first time this summer, so that’s been a fun new project for us. We are definitely beginners… our garden was far from lush.
My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is…. My roommates and I got really into the show Euphoria, so my current theme song is from that show: Still Don’t Know My Name by Labrinth.
Best junk food ever created: Boom Chicka Pop sweet & salty kettle corn and chocolate (major sweet tooth)
Favorite recipes : One of my go-tos is the miso butter salmon from Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow.
Favorite cocktail/drink of choice: Hazy IPA or a glass of red wine. But you’ll often find me drinking kombucha out of a wine glass instead.
Family info: My parents, Guy and Kim, live in Minnesota. I have an older brother, Thomas, younger sister, Sarah, and younger brother, Will.
Secret talent: I can lick my elbow.
Professional (non-athletic) superpower: I am very thorough.
Personal (non-athletic) superpower: I am good at finding common ground with people, no matter how different we are.
Favorite athletic/sports book: Open by Andre Agassiz, but my coach is also writing a book, so that could change very soon… 🙂
Favorite athletic/sports movie: Remember the Titans
Anything else we should know about you? My dad was a diplomat, so I grew up all over the world and usually moved every 1-3 years. I went to 10 different schools from preschool to senior year of high school, which would have been a lot more intimidating if I hadn’t done sports. Sports made moving a lot easier and helped me make friends right away. I also speak Chinese. 🙂