Nutrition Mechanic
Getting your fueling and hydration sorted out and dialed in make all the difference between your best day and “just the way it is”. I have the best job with the best clients. I LOVE what I do!!!.
Kristin Foreman.
Answers provided by Kristin Foreman
- Based out of Boulder, Colorado
- We are a team of actual Sports Performance Dietitians with over 30 years of combined experience. We walk the walk, talk the talk, and chances are, we’ve been there, done that.
- ABT enables us to see where somebody may be deficient or isn’t optimizing their nutrition. This allows us to make adjustments, so you’re getting the most out of your training and racing. As Sports Dietitians, it’s important to have objective information so we can know what’s going on “under the hood” and can then work with clients to feel, train, and race at their best.
- Client Successes– Todd, who qualified for Kona. James, who paddled 265 miles, Craig, who raced Ironman without any issues after 20 years of cramping, GI issues, and DNFs, Natalie, who podiumed at mountain bike Nationals; and Carol, who raced her first 70.3 and then signed up for another!
- Check out the Nutrition Mechanic IG and website for updates.

- What are YOU working on/toward right now ? Training for a spring marathon, raising a kind and caring kiddo, and how trauma informs and intersects with our relationships to food and nutrition.
- Myth/misperception that athletes have about nutrition, performance, or other that we can help dispel: GI distress, DNFs because of gut issues, and pulling off the side of the course isn’t “just the way it is” when you’re racing. I hear from athletes and active folks every what a difference we make in their training and racing. I bring back the fun!
- My personal “walk-up”/motivational/current theme song is….?We Can Do Hard Things podcast and Alan’s Morissette
- Best junk/”special” food ever created: Donuts. Always donuts.
- Favorite recipes: Southwest inspired quinoa & black bean salad with lime vinaigrette