Erinne Guthrie

(ABT) helped me learn I was not absorbing the magnesium i was taking, and helps me prevent adrenal fatigue with yearly testing.

Triathlon is my livlihood and my lifestyle but it takes a delicate balance to stay active and not let other areas in your life fall away so living a baalnced lifestyle of working in and learning to just be a human being and not always DOING is so important.

  • Hometown(s): Miami, Florida
  • Alma mater(s): Unversity Of Miami/ Sweet Briar College
  • Primary sport/event : triathlon, gravel
  • What you are working toward now: RAAM- Ride Across America 2022 in June- I race almost monthly in local triathlon and in endurance swim events- this will be my first endurance bike only event
  • Day job: Chief Motivating officer at Full Circle Coaching; USAT Level 2 Certified coach; CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3, Team USA Level Triathlete, Mom
  • Proudest athletic accomplishment: 300 triathlons of every distance from sprint to Ironman to 12 mile swim.
  • Facepalm/most embarrassing athletic moment: losing my contact before a triathlon and then getting on the podium, forgetting my running shoes for a triathlon and getting on the podium,
  • Favorite non-athletic activity: Travel, Free Dive, Learn, audio books- seeker
  • My personal “walk up”/motivational/current theme song is….Get Outta Bed Bitc*- its a short track on youtube with a DJ earing Llama pajamas and just kicks me in the butt with laughter!! check it out!
  • Best junk/”special” food ever created: Not really into JUNK food I take my health VERY seriously. But Guacamole and chips organic and home made guac of course. home made gluten free organic chocolate chip cookies and almond cow fresh made almond millk or a gluten free pizza
  • Favorite recipes: Organic Banana ice cream- better than oatmeal, better than coffee, super green smoothie heres my youtube recipe play list.
  • Favorite Gadgets: Training Peaks, Garmin, Strava, Youtube, TBM, Kim Anami
  • Secret talent: I’m really a mermaid!
  • Favorite athletic/sports book OR movie: PreFontaine, Chariots of fire, Black Stallion,